Solutions Needed for Residents in Estates Yet to be Taken in Charge

Lynn Tierney

Figures shared at the most recent council meeting, indicate that out of 112 live Taking in Charge applications, approximately 60% of developments in South Dublin County Council’s database, are not being actively progressed by developers. Lynn Tierney, local election candidate for the Social Democrats is highlighting the long delays that residents in those estates face and the effects of these delays.

“The average time for estates where the developer is engaged in the Taking in Charge (TIC) process is 33 months. The reality is that many other estates in our area face significantly longer than that to have the TIC process completed, with some not yet completed 15 years after being built”.  

As Ms Tierney seeks to represent the concerns of residents, she highlights the pressing issues those residing in such estates can face. “Residents living in estates which are due to be taken in charge (TIC) are experiencing significant challenges in some cases. Conversations I’ve had with local residents have revealed a range of issues, from potholes and graffiti removal to dampness and rodent infestations. The inability of South Dublin County Council to install signage in these estates for officially registered neighbourhood watch schemes also creates concerns regarding community safety and security.

As a resident of an estate not taken in charge, I sympathise with those who have had negative experiences. While I acknowledge that some developers and property managers are commendably responsive to residents’ queries, I find it unacceptable that residents in some estates have to endure such prolonged periods without the basic amenities and services they deserve.

Residents I’ve spoken to feel that, despite repeated calls for support from their council and elected representatives, they continue to be stuck in limbo.

If elected to South Dublin County Council, I would work to find solutions that offer practical support to residents facing these barriers in the interim. I would like to see greater community engagement from South Dublin County Council with residents on issues which, if TIC, would be under the remit of the council. Engagement could involve hosting information sessions or workshops to educate residents about the TIC process and also to empower and support them to advocate for the needs of their estates with SDCC support. If elected I would aim to explore other collaborative solutions.

Lynn Tierney invites residents to a public meeting on Tuesday, April 9th, at St. Finian’s Hall in Newcastle. The meeting will explore themes of effective planning to meet the needs of a growing population.

Picture of Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks

Sarah has worked in marketing and content creation for many years. In her role at Newsgroup, she is the online editor of with a particular interest in local news and events. Sarah also works closely with our editorial team on our printed editions in Tallaght, Lucan, Clondalkin and Rathcoole/Saggart. If you have a story and would like to make contact please email Sarah at



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