Palmerstown Camera Club are delighted to show recent winning images by member Gerald Phelan the 40 Foot and Bums Away!

On the 7th of April at 8pm, the club resumes it’s weekly presentations with the return of Ashley Franklin. He hails from Wales, lives in Derbyshire, England, and was a presenter on BBC Radio before taking up photography full time. His photography includes landscapes, weddings, portraits, commercial photography. His presentation will be very entertaining, educational and interesting. He will also answer any questions regarding his photography and how he produces such great images.
Palmerstown Camera Club invites all adults to a friendly, educational and entertaining club meetings on Wednesday nights. The club members range from Learners to Advanced and there is opportunity for everyone to participate. You do so at your own pace and with training, encouragement and assistance from other members. Adult visitors are always made very welcome. They are currently using Zoom. To visit, free of charge, for one or two meetings, and to see how you can benefit contact See you on Wednesday nights!