Forthcoming Budget will put more money back in your pocket


“Government will ensure we put more money back in your pocket and help Dublin individuals and families with the cost of living in the forthcoming budget” a local TD has said. Deputy Emer Higgins said Fine Gael is pushing for a range of measures to be implemented in Budget 2023 to make sure that work pays better for the people of Dublin Mid-West. “I knows that rising costs are making it ever more expensive to do the weekly shop, to fill your car and pay your bills, I’m hearing this from constituents every day. “So we have acted with a suite of measures worth €2.4 billion to help households and business offset rising inflation, but we know that we can and must do more to address the high cost of living for you and your family.

“Fine Gael is pushing for a budget that puts more money back in your pocket and we have the following priorities;

  • Reducing the cost of childcare for all families in Dublin Mid-West
  • Reducing student fees and providing more student grants to help with the cost of college
  • Building more homes (social, private, cost rental and affordable purchase) ensuring lower rents and giving first time buyers saving for their deposit a grant of up to €30,000
  • Helping with the cost of petrol and diesel by keeping excise low and cutting train and bus fares permanently in Dublin Mid-West
  • Increasing payments for pensioners, carers, people with disabilities and the vulnerable
  • Giving more people free GP care and lowering the cost of medicines

“Reducing income tax is the way to ensure Dublin Mid-West people get to keep more of their hard-earned income. “The average person working full time in Ireland earns more than €40,000 a year. They stand to lose 52% of any pay increase they get in income tax, USC and PRSI, and that simply is not fair. “We want to make sure working people and middle-income earners get to keep most of any pay increase they get”. 

“The economy is growing strongly, we are close to full employment and the public finances are in good order so we are in a strong position to better support individuals and families, while also protecting our economy to support jobs and businesses. “That is why Fine Gael’s focus is on alleviating cost of living pressures and ensuring that work pays better for you and your family,” Deputy Higgins concluded.

Picture of Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks

Sarah has worked in marketing and content creation for many years. In her role at Newsgroup, she is the online editor of with a particular interest in local news and events. Sarah also works closely with our editorial team on our printed editions in Tallaght, Lucan, Clondalkin and Rathcoole/Saggart. If you have a story and would like to make contact please email Sarah at



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