Deep Concern Over Long Delays in Lucan Swimming Pool Construction

Clondalkin Leisure Swimming Pool

People Before Profit Representatives Express Deep Concern Over Long Delays in Lucan Swimming Pool Construction. People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny and People Before Profit representative for Lucan Mark Kerins are voicing their serious concerns over the extensive delays in the construction of the Lucan swimming pool, a project that has now been in progress for nearly four years. Despite initial promises and projections, the completion date for the Lucan swimming pool has been continually pushed back, causing frustration and disappointment among the local community. The repeated delays have left residents wondering when they will finally be able to enjoy the much-needed facility.

“People Before Profit recognizes the importance of timely completion of public projects, especially those that directly impact the well-being and recreational opportunities of our community members,” said Gino Kenny, People Before Profit TD. “The prolonged delays in the construction of the Lucan swimming pool are unacceptable, and we share the concerns of our constituents who have been eagerly awaiting its completion.”

Mark Kerins, People Before Profit representative for Lucan, added, “The fact that the Lucan swimming pool project has been in construction for almost four years raises serious questions about the efficiency and management of public infrastructure projects. Local residents deserve transparency and accountability in how their taxes are being spent on these vital amenities.”

People Before Profit advocates for a solution to address these types of delays in essential public projects. One key proposal is the establishment of a state-owned construction company, a policy that, if implemented, could significantly reduce delays in the completion of crucial public amenities.

“A state-owned construction company would bring about a level of accountability and efficiency that is currently lacking in the management of public projects,” explained Gino Kenny. “By cutting through bureaucratic red tape and streamlining the construction process, we could ensure that important facilities like the Lucan swimming pool are completed in a timely manner, meeting the needs of the community.”

People Before Profit remains committed to fighting for the timely completion of the Lucan swimming pool and will continue to push for policies that prioritize the efficient delivery of essential public services. The residents of Lucan deserve better, and People Before Profit will actively work to make sure their concerns are heard and addressed.

Picture of Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks

Sarah has worked in marketing and content creation for many years. In her role at Newsgroup, she is the online editor of with a particular interest in local news and events. Sarah also works closely with our editorial team on our printed editions in Tallaght, Lucan, Clondalkin and Rathcoole/Saggart. If you have a story and would like to make contact please email Sarah at



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