The Key tells the story of Sinead, a Dublin girl from a working class family who starts her first day of her scholarship at Ireland’s most prestigious all-girls school. Sinead instantly clashes with an obnoxious classmate who looks down on her and she leaves. Her distraught father enlists the help of her mysterious Godmother who gives her a necklace and invites her to go on a spiritual quest through a local long forgotten portal – The Druid’s Chair. If she goes on the quest she can’t return until she finds the key, which is forgiveness.
The short film is Dublin born writer, director and producer Dani’s first narrative film following the success of her multi-award winning documentary Huni. “The Key” has garnered multiple awards, including:
- Best Short Film at the Great Message Film Festival
- Outstanding Achievement at the Global Non-Violence Awards
- Best Actress for Kym Dean Doyle at the Samsara Film Festival
Dani commented “I wanted to make a fantasy film that blended ancient Irish mythology and spirituality with modern Irish teenage life. The Druid’s Chair is tucked away in a quiet neighbourhood in Killiney, where I am from. No one seemed to know its history so I brought a druid there who told me it was a portal which would bring people back or forward in time or to different realms. It inspired me to make a story around this long forgotten relic that I am sure a lot of people in Killiney don’t even know exists.”
The Key stars Bairbre O’Toole, Niamh Cremmin and Kym Dean Doyle and was filmed at various locations around South County Dublin.